Whenever you are involved in an accident and you need the services of auto body shops Los Angeles, the auto body shop as well as your insurance claims adjuster will come up with estimates based on the visible damages. In some occasions, the auto body shop may find additional damages that need repairs but were never noticed at the time the estimates were being prepared.
In such a case, there is no need for you to panic or get worried that you will have to spend more if you know what you ought to do. Below is the right procedure to follow in such an instance-:
Notification from the Auto Body Shop
In case of additional damages, the auto body shops Los Angeles will notify you of the additional repairs needed. They should also notify the insurance company, unless you were paying for the repairs out of pocket.
New inspection
If you are using insurance to pay for the repairs, they will send an adjuster to examine the additional damages and give a new estimate based on the new development. Once the adjuster and the auto body shop are in agreement, the body shop will be issued with additional payments. As the owner of the vehicle, you won’t be bothered with submitting additional paperwork or making any phone calls.
However, if you are paying for the repairs out of pocket, you may have to go and inspect the car and take note of the additional repairs and agree with the Auto Body Shop Los Angeles Ca on the additional costs you will be required to pay.
No additional expenses
Most of the cases, all you will be needed to pay for the repairs are the deductibles. In the unlikely event that there are additional expenses, the auto body shops Los Angeles will have to notify before they make the repairs and charge you the additional costs.
In such a case, there is no need for you to panic or get worried that you will have to spend more if you know what you ought to do. Below is the right procedure to follow in such an instance-:
Notification from the Auto Body Shop
In case of additional damages, the auto body shops Los Angeles will notify you of the additional repairs needed. They should also notify the insurance company, unless you were paying for the repairs out of pocket.
New inspection
If you are using insurance to pay for the repairs, they will send an adjuster to examine the additional damages and give a new estimate based on the new development. Once the adjuster and the auto body shop are in agreement, the body shop will be issued with additional payments. As the owner of the vehicle, you won’t be bothered with submitting additional paperwork or making any phone calls.
However, if you are paying for the repairs out of pocket, you may have to go and inspect the car and take note of the additional repairs and agree with the Auto Body Shop Los Angeles Ca on the additional costs you will be required to pay.
No additional expenses
Most of the cases, all you will be needed to pay for the repairs are the deductibles. In the unlikely event that there are additional expenses, the auto body shops Los Angeles will have to notify before they make the repairs and charge you the additional costs.
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