When you are checking into the overall price of an auto body shop in Los Angeles it's important to have an idea of what you're auto repair costs should be. The good news is that there is a fair wealth of information online on the average cost of auto body repair. Being able to take a look at your vehicle and have a rough estimate in your head for your quote will help you to prepare financially as well. Here are some of the average numbers that you can expect to pay for auto body repair on common issues:
Bumpers: In most cases dented bumpers can set you back around $500 for a repair and close to $1000 if you need a complete replacement. Depending on the rarity, make and model of your vehicle you might expect to pay a little bit more. For most popular vehicles however you can replace a bumper for around $1000 pending that there is no damage to the frame.
Paint and scratches: Deep scratches in the paint require paint matching and in some cases even a trip to the paint booth with the body panel of your vehicle being completely removed. Auto body shops in Los Angeles can handle the process of paint matching to ensure that the paint work completed will be undetectable. Depending on the rarity of the auto paint that you are using, usually the material cost of paint range between $50 and $300 for a few ounces. This leaves the chance for most deep scratches requiring around $800-$1500 to fix up. For some of the smaller scratches a touchup pen can also be used.
Frame damage: Extensive frame damage can often be one of the most costly auto body repairs completed. This usually happens in the event of an accident and auto body shops in Los Angeles can require a fee of a minimum of $9-$10,000 to repair major frame damage after a severe accident.
Suspension damage: Suspension and alignment damage after an accident can range from a few hundred dollars for a quick replacement of a shock absorber up to several thousand dollars for a complete replacement on suspension elements.
Keep some of these basic costs in mind when you are receiving quotes from auto body shops in Los Angeles.
Frame damage: Extensive frame damage can often be one of the most costly auto body repairs completed. This usually happens in the event of an accident and auto body shops in Los Angeles can require a fee of a minimum of $9-$10,000 to repair major frame damage after a severe accident.
Suspension damage: Suspension and alignment damage after an accident can range from a few hundred dollars for a quick replacement of a shock absorber up to several thousand dollars for a complete replacement on suspension elements.
Keep some of these basic costs in mind when you are receiving quotes from auto body shops in Los Angeles.
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