Minor car incidents, like fender bender, happen often on the roads on daily basis, and no matter how hard you try to avoid them, chances are that you are likely to get involved in one. However, minor incidents like these should not be stressful and there are things you can do to deal with it successfully and move on. After a minor collision like fender bender, vehicles should still be driveable and you can drive them to a reputable auto body repair Los Angeles to get it fixed. Here's what to do when you're involved in a fender-bender with the other car driver.
Move your car out of the way of traffic: Safety comes first, you can argue with the other driver later on. Move both cars to the side of the road, at a safe distance from oncoming traffic so that other car drivers do not mistake stationary vehicles for moving ones. Even after fender-bender, vehicles can still be driven easily.
Move your car out of the way of traffic: Safety comes first, you can argue with the other driver later on. Move both cars to the side of the road, at a safe distance from oncoming traffic so that other car drivers do not mistake stationary vehicles for moving ones. Even after fender-bender, vehicles can still be driven easily.
You need knowledge and info: After the incident, you would want to exchange contact information with the other driver. If the other person is at fault, you would want his insurance company to pay for the cost of collision repair damage. You should know who they are and if they're covered by an insurance or not. Then the Los Angeles auto body repair can work with their insurance company to get the repair work completed on your car.
Clear pictures and notes can help your cause: Use your mobile phone to take pictures of the damage done to your car and also of that place where the incident took place. You can also write down the account of what happened to use it later on when you may consider filing a claim.
A licensed and certified shop can fix your car quickly and efficiently. If you want your car to be fixed quickly and repaired efficiently back to its original, showroom-like condition, you have to choose the right people for it. It means choosing a manufacturer-certified, licensed auto body shop that is recognized as one of the most efficient and professional car repair facility.
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